Thoughts in the Faith

Why We Tithe 10%

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  -- 2 Corinthians 9:7 In my career, I live and breath philanthropy. I have been the recipient of immense generosity in the past, and I work daily to connect donors to the causes… Continue reading Why We Tithe 10%

Health, Thoughts in the Faith

Changing Perspective {slow but sure}

If you've spent any time milling around my blog, you know that I am constantly trying to discover new ways to improve my health and wellness through nutrition, fitness, faith, and general positive thinking. And slowly but surely, I'm noticing a change in my inner voice. It's less harsh. It's more encouraging. It's more thoughtful.… Continue reading Changing Perspective {slow but sure}

Life As I Know It, Thoughts in the Faith

Going Clear: HBO’s Documentary on Scientology

Over the weekend, we had a free HBO/Showtime/Starz promotion with Direct TV, and you know what that means... record, record, record. We do indeed now have The Truman Show, Contact, and The Shining on our DVR list. You're welcome. We also recorded the documentary Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief. We all know that HBO documentaries… Continue reading Going Clear: HBO’s Documentary on Scientology

Thoughts in the Faith

Good Friday in the Gospels: HOPE

My God, My God...Why have you forsaken me? -Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34 It's a mournful day, so it always seemed odd to call it "good." But I get it - without this day, without HIS SACRIFICE, none of us would have the hope and the future that we do. Without this day, there is no… Continue reading Good Friday in the Gospels: HOPE