Words and such

Where The Crawdads Sing {Book Review}

I have been inhaling books lately - but true confessions, I listen to most of them on my commute! Seriously, if you can get used to the whole audio book thing, it's AMAZING. There are just so many wonderful stories out there, I want to consume them in any way I can. I jumped on… Continue reading Where The Crawdads Sing {Book Review}

Words and such

Lily and the Octopus {Book Review}

Oh you guys, what a sweet story this is! Having a dachshund myself, I really related to some of the details of this particular pet story. Purchase through amazon, or rent it from your library! (Links are affiliate links.) I love the incredibly adventurous way the author shares his journey. There are a few flashbacks… Continue reading Lily and the Octopus {Book Review}

Words and such

The Nightingale {Book Review}

It's possible that Fridays are about to become book review days. I have been inhaling stories lately - really just remembering and rediscovering my love for reading. And after finishing The Nightingale by Kristen Hannah, I am SO moved. Check it out on AmazonLinks are affiliate links. I would categorize this book as historical fiction.… Continue reading The Nightingale {Book Review}