30 before 30


Here’s the list! The big 3-0 is fast approaching (September 7, 2015), so let’s get some things done!

For the original post, click here.

Megster Meter’s 30 before 30 List:

1. Audition for a show. (April 14, 2014)

2. Bake a cheesecake.

3. Buy a house. (We did it!!)

4. Complete another Whole30. (February 11, 2015)

5. Create a blog just for my sweet treat creations.

6. Do a color run. (Columbus!)

7. Do pull ups.

8. Get my wedding dress cleaned and packaged up.

9. Give up elevators for a month.

10. Go on a picnic.

11. Go on my honeymoon! (Honeymooooon!!)

12. Go on our big Europe trip post-husband’s graduation.

13. Go to a music festival.

14. Go to an opera. (Opera Columbus)

15. Go with out TV for a week.

16. Grow fresh herbs. (Summer 2014)

17. Have a spa day.

18. Have a technology-free day.

19. Host a dinner party.

20. Learn to can / jar something.

21. Go on a girls weekend out of state. (San Fran!)

22. Put at least ten items into my Etsy shop. (check it out! Sew Sweet by Meghan)

23. Read the Great Gatsby.

24. Redesign this blog (or really, give it some design for the first time). (Check it.)

25. Send 5 random gifts to friends. (1/5)

26. Spend a cozy weekend in a cabin somewhere.

27. Take a class of any kind with my husband.

28. Take a course on Coursera. (In progress)

29. Visit a new country. (Jamaica, baby!)

30. Try 10 new restaurants:


1 thought on “30 before 30”

  1. I could help you with #20 as I just canned pickles for the first time this year using Jonathan’s grandmama’s recipe. Turned out great. Could do it while you are still 30. – Kathy


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